The Branding Process

You’ve created a business, product or service, and now it’s time for the fun part: making it a brand – the combination of things that come to represent your business in the minds of your customers and the world at large. But what’s the first step? Well, if you’re here reading this, you’re off to a good start. Seeking out an experienced branding agency (like us) will help you navigate the process, consult on strategy and be the creative technicians to build out all your brand art and language. As a branding agency, we ask a ton of questions, get to know more about you and your capabilities, then we get to work. That’s the quick and easy explanation to the “first step”. Obviously, it’s a bit more complicated than that, so we’ve broken down the entire process here to empower and educate you when you’re ready to bring your brand to life. 

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What does your brand’s welcome mat say?

From the moment clients, customers and employees step through your door, their experience should live up to the one your brand and its products portray to the outside world.

If you’ve been reading here often or perusing our site, you’ve probably noticed that we care a lot about defining, building and projecting brands to be absorbed, spotted or considered by chosen audiences. That leads to initial sales, repeat purchases and having a strong presence in market. And that’s great for the big picture. But there’s another particularly important brand element that has a giant impact on business: the work environment.

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Insights, Invention, Progress Famous Victory Insights, Invention, Progress Famous Victory

What do you do when you accidentally invent something brilliant? You give it a circle R and make it yours.

Without going into too much detail, we came up with an idea. A word, really. And admittedly, it was a little hokey. It was formed by blurting out a fake term to get a few laughs in a meeting. It became a point of comedic pride. But, before long, it came in handy at times with new clients. It had a little bit of genius to it. It was informative and it captured the essence of something we do well. Something, in fact, that motivated us to start Famous Victory in the first place: to merge our years of brand expertise with our equal years of marketing experience into a unique offering. Who better to send your shiny new brand into the brutal world than the people who created it?!?!

It’s blooming obvious.

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Evolving a Brand Personality to Connect with Customers.

Like individual members of a boy band, brands should have their own unique personalities. Is your brand the cool one? The funny one? Or maybe it’s the rugged one that’s surprisingly sensitive? When brands create a defined personality that sets them apart, we’re drawn to the ones we find most appealing or match our own personality. But instead of hanging their posters on our walls, we surround ourselves with their products.

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