What does your brand’s welcome mat say?

From the moment clients, customers and employees step through your door, their experience should live up to the one your brand and its products portray to the outside world.

If you’ve been reading here often or perusing our site, you’ve probably noticed that we care a lot about defining, building and projecting brands to be absorbed, spotted or considered by chosen audiences. That leads to initial sales, repeat purchases and having a strong presence in market. And that’s great for the big picture. But there’s another particularly important brand element that has a giant impact on business: the work environment.

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Evolving a Brand Personality to Connect with Customers.

Like individual members of a boy band, brands should have their own unique personalities. Is your brand the cool one? The funny one? Or maybe it’s the rugged one that’s surprisingly sensitive? When brands create a defined personality that sets them apart, we’re drawn to the ones we find most appealing or match our own personality. But instead of hanging their posters on our walls, we surround ourselves with their products.

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